Since 2010, Project reCYCLE’s mission has been to transform our community’s well-loved bicycles into vehicles of hope for those in need, both locally and abroad. There is something inherently special and memorable about a person’s first bike, yet it is a sad and somewhat hidden fact that an unacceptable percentage of the youth and disenfranchised of our city have never experienced the joy of having a bike of their own, have had their bike stolen, or their hand-me-down bikes have become un-rideable from disrepair.
Over the past decade, Project reCYCLE’s amazing supporters have made it possible for our organization to donate over fifteen-thousand refurbished bicycles to the eager students in our Dream Bike Schools program, to the hard-working participants of our Earn-a-Bike program, to the foster children who attended our Bikes for Tykes holiday giveaway, to bike-centered job-creation partnerships in Africa, and to the recipients of our audacious dream of a bike for every person in our city through our Rides For All initiative!
To those who have made our organization’s wild ride of hope and inspiration even possible, YOU ARE Project reCYCLE. This new decade has already shown us that pushing back against the cycles of fear and poverty that negatively affect millions cannot be achieved on an island. In fact, it is in these very moments of yet-to-be-written history that those who still believe in hope can come together against all odds to achieve the impossible!